你曾經把我收起來 放在高高的櫃子裡,一天一封email是唯一個養分。
我們的南轅北轍 是在你的冬季我的夏季交錯之間 越來越明顯。
循環又循環......最後選擇放棄。 原來甜蜜的言語建立得這麼虛幻。
愛情在我們之間只有賞味期限,五年因為活在幻想中而快樂 笑的可悲!
我需要勇氣,勇氣再重心愛一次。 雖然不知道還需要多少時間_
愛一個人 不是因為怕孤單而需要找個伴,需要被愛。
愛一個人 是因為我愛他的全部而真正勇敢去愛。
Deep thought
Stopped for a while…closed the website…turned off the computer.
Mm! After knowing the end of the story, I got no surprise at all.
I already felt something uncertain for a long time.
Now I accept this ending, in my heart is a clearly full stop.
You had kept me in a high cabinet; an email a day from you was my only nutrient.
I had stayed obediently in the cabinet, made my illusionary dream.
Year passed after year, five winters have elapsed.
Our difference shows obviously, such as you are in the cold winter but I stay in warm summer.
I found my body was frozen in the high icy cabinet, when I was in the deep dream.
Coldness solidified my blood. Heartbeat was stopped.
It is no more important now!
Five years gone.
I had prayed…believed…got hurt…braved…thwarted…disappointed...
Sweet words just made a false impression.
It was a circle. At the end I chose to give up.
Our love only had a short preservation limit.
I had lived in my unreal dream, felt sweet but for nothing.
From the end till now is more than half year.
I am trying hard to get back my heart.
I need great daring to be brave to love again.
Having no idea how long it is for my recovery time.
Falling in love with someone:
It is not because I afraid of being lonely; need to be loved.
Falling in love with someone:
It does mean that I love whole of him, I do dare to give all my love.