上個星期去老師家玩 (復活節慶祝)。
順便帶手工Tiramisu當禮物:私藏食譜 : )
Per 12 portions
2x 500 g Mascarpone
2 boxes Biskotten (Löffelbiskuits)
ca. 100g sugar
4~5 eggs
20ml rum (I’m not sure, rum is just for nice smell)
2 cups of coffee
unsweetened cocoa powder
Mix eggs and sugar together until mixture is thick. Then add the mascarpone and rum (thoroughly mix).
* Dip biskotten in coffee and place it in a dish; then pour mascarpone mixture on biskotten layer.*
( * repeat 2 times) Sprinkle cocoa powder on top of cream. Keep in refrigerator for half day.
(12 April 09 Tiramisu未完成圖)