Joss paper is traditionally made from coarse bamboo paper, which feels handmade with many variances and imperfections, although rice paper is also commonly used. Traditional joss is cut into individual squares or rectangles. Depending on the region, Joss paper may be decorated with seals, stamps, pieces of contrasting paper, engraved designs or other motifs. Different types of spirit Money are given to distinct categories of spirits. The three main types of of spirit money are cash (also known as copper), silver and gold. Cash monies are given to newly deceased spirits and spirits of the unknown. Silver spirit money (yin) is given to ancestral spirits as well as spirits of local deities. Gold spirit money (jin) is given to higher gods such as the Jade Emperor. These distinctions between the three categories of spirit money must be followed precisely to prevent confusion or insult of the spirits.
I deeply appreciate that i had a nice chance to visit the cloth weaving exhibition form 阿吉 & 阿豪。
They did something no one has done before => weaved "joss paper", turned paper into cloth.
Ps: the exhibition was at Linz KHG in April
historical background of joss paper:
Joss paper (website - wikipedia) literally: shade/dark money
traditional Chinese: 金紙; pinyin: jīnzhǐ;
traditional Chinese: 冥幣; pinyin: míng bì;
It also known as ghost money, are sheets of paper that are burned in traditional Chinese deity or ancestor worship ceremonies during special holidays. Joss paper, as well as other papier-mâché items, are also burned in traditional Chinese funerals, to ensure that spirit of the deceased has lots of good things in their afterlife.
四月底去Linz考試的時候 阿吉通知我他們藝術大學有展覽,換句話說 -> 他們的 "個展"。
用藝術作品傳達 台灣宗教信仰的文化。 奧地利人們對此很感興趣,是另一番大開眼界!
亞洲人把 $$ 燒給 神明&亡魂,在他們的眼中就像聽故事般。
哈~ 如果他們知道不僅是紙錢,
連紙糊成的 "賓士", "LV" 大有人在燒........嘿!反應不知會如何?哈哈哈 :-D
Ps: 謝謝阿吉和阿豪!
還有阿吉提供照片 : - )